We took our first fall walk this last weekend. Of course we didn't wait until the first frost and Wyatt and I go about 25 bites each. Not as bad as we have gotten in the past.
We just finished baseball for the fall. Nolan moved up to machine pitch and Wyatt to kid pitch. Nolan done really well this season. He playedd pitcher a lot or an outfield position. Wyatt done really well himself. He got hit a total of 3 times by pitches. One during practice, one during a game and the other was actually when he was running to 3rd the hit got him on the leg. So needless to say he stepped out of the box a lot after that but by the end of the season he was staying in the box and swinging. That boy just loves baseball. Nolan is playing flag football this year and doing really well. He plays wing back, full back and safety. He says wing back is his favorite. He may be little but he holds his ground and makes some great blocks. His team is undefeated so we start the playoffs next weekend and hopefully make it to the pumpkin bowl on Halloween. Dave is an assistant coach and has really enjoyed it.
So we have had a good summer. It started off with Edlin 6 visiting and having a good week with them. The boys played baseball all summer. Nolan just finished last weekend with his tournament team. Wyatt had a great season also. He never missed a game even with his broken eye bone. He is such a trooper. He got the "Junk Yard Dog" award this year for being so tuff and playing with a broken bone. They would make a barking sound at him when he would go up to bat. The boys have had friends over at least once a week to spend the night or just hang out (I cant seem to get rid of them hahaha). They have been to a few Bats games in Louisville. One trip they got to go down on the field after the game to meet all of the umpires. They took swim lessons this year. They both can swim in the deep with no problem. They love going off the diving board. Wyatt is a real good swimmer.