So we have had a good summer. It started off with Edlin 6 visiting and having a good week with them. The boys played baseball all summer. Nolan just finished last weekend with his tournament team. Wyatt had a great season also. He never missed a game even with his broken eye bone. He is such a trooper. He got the "Junk Yard Dog" award this year for being so tuff and playing with a broken bone. They would make a barking sound at him when he would go up to bat. The boys have had friends over at least once a week to spend the night or just hang out (I cant seem to get rid of them hahaha). They have been to a few Bats games in Louisville. One trip they got to go down on the field after the game to meet all of the umpires. They took swim lessons this year. They both can swim in the deep with no problem. They love going off the diving board. Wyatt is a real good swimmer.
We stayed at a hotel that had a indoor waterpark in it. They had a blast Second stop was the Indianapolis Children's Museum We took the kids up north for a surprise little trip for a few days. First stop was the Louisville Slugger Museum.