Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beloved Baxter

It was a sad day in the Brown family this last week. Baxter passed away late Wednesday night. We believe he had cancer or something else internally wrong with him. We were treating him for a yeast infection in his ear. He had gotten worse one day so the vet thought that maybe he had got an inner ear infection so they gave him 3 shots. One was a steroid shot which we believe just prolonged his life for one more week. Wednesday when we got home from work he was in really bad shape. He continued to get worse thru the evening and finally passed away around 1 a.m. The boys took it really well. Nolan had an ear infection on Thursday so Wyatt told Nolan he was going to die like Baxter. We quickly corrected him. Wyatt says we can get a new one after a March. The house is really empty and we miss him like crazy.

1 comment:

Edlin6 said...

The dirty rotten Baxter will be missed. I'm sad for you guys.