Thursday, January 8, 2009


Happy 7Th Birthday to Wyatt. We took Wyatt to the eye doctor last week and found out he needed glasses. He has astigmatism in both eyes. We knew he had it last year but they thought he might grow out of it. Well not only did he not grow out of it, it got worse and he never will grow out of it. His left eye is 80/20 and right 60/20. He has always held his books up close when he reads that is what prompted us to go last year when he started kindergarten even after we had them checked before kindergarten started. Well he got a DS for Christmas and he would only play it for about 15 minutes and put it up because he said his eyes hurt really bad. So that alerted us to take him again. And this is the outcome. Apparently at this age it is cool to get glasses. However I got a note home today saying he was nervous about getting them this afternoon in fear kids would make fun of him. So we will see how it goes tomorrow. All of his close buddies thinks it cool. I think he looks cute. I just hate it that he has to wear them all of the time.

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